Friday, April 9, 2010

RE: The Blogging Revolution: A Look at the Repression of Online Journalism Around the World

After reading about the freedom and privacy that bloggers around the world have, it really got me to question my right as a human being. Everywhere in the world has their rules and regulations but there are some rules that should definitely be regulated in all countries the world.

People should definitely have freedom when it comes to blogging but should come to an extent. Blogging is about having the freedom to write about anything but writing but showing negative acts and violating human rights should not be blogged about. Opinions are just opinions and the government should know what is a threat and what is not a threat.

There are other options besides being thrown in jail for having an offensive blog. Almost anyone can write about anything on the internet and the government should take that into consideration. As the government i would decide to give these offensive bloggers warnings about their content in their blogs, maybe even ban or lock their blog. Jail should not be the immediate option because we are selves have freedom of speech.

Its awful to see that this sort of issues is continuing and worst yet its increasing in some countries. Rules and regulations should definitely be made and brought out to the public and jail should not be the immediate option for these issues. As a blogger it really gives me a new point of view and it gives me caution on what i should be posting online.

RE: A Question of Journalistic Ethics - Sharing the community’s grief

The story of the three teen age suicides was very surprising and definitely a huge story to tell to the public. The Arkansas Gazette did a great job in presenting the story professionally to the public. They had many rules and regulations regarding how to tell the public and I believe that they did a good job. They promised to hep keep everything in an idealized manner and just present things straight to the point.

Its awful to see things like this come up in the news but journalist have to get these informations out without being disrespectful to the families of the victim. I can definitely relate to the friends of the first victim because its hard to lose a friend, and even worst to see a friend die in that way. There must be something deep going with the teenagers, sometimes speaking out is the bets thing to do.

If I was the journalist to report this story i wouldnt just make it a short story. Though it was a tragedy for this to happen I would defenitely try to give more details on what occured so people can get a better understand of the situation. The public needs to defnitely know what happened but to an extent that does not disrespect or make the dead look bad because they should jsut rest in peace.

Teens are very influenced by a lot of things such as the media and all their surroundings. I would definitely add links to help teens with all their problems because they are dealing with a lot of things. The best thing for these teens to do is to just ocme out and speak their mind because who would knows what would happen if you just keep it to yourself.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

RE: A Question of Journalistic Ethics - When a hero is not a hero

Reading this article was definitely really shocking in my opinion. There is a lot of miss communication when it comes to this article and it is such a tragedy how this fire fighter died. Knowing that the fire fighter was drunk during his job should not take away the label of him being a hero because he devoted himself into saving lives.

It's a bad thing to know that the firefighter was drunk during his work period but i believe that we shouldn't blame him for anything. Sure he shouldn't have drank during his job but we should pray for him and let him rest in peace. He tried to do his job and we should just leave it to that.

This sort of news should not be given out to the public. When it comes to autopsies, the news should be given to the people that matter the most, which is their families. It is up to them to decide whether they should give more news to the public or not. If they do decide to give it out to the public they should not remember the bad, but also the good of what the firefighter did for them.

Firefighters are heroes, none the else and it was just unfortunate that he was drinking on the job. You can't judge a person by these sorts of things and the best thing to do is just let him rest in peace. Let's pay respect for all of his service.

RE: The hidden epidemic in schools: Cheating

Cheating has always been and always will be here. Students know how much of a drag tests and exams are and not all students study properly to face these things. When worst comes to worst, students turn to cheating in order to achieve the mark they wanted to have. It's definitely not a good thing to do because cheating is surely wrong and comes with consequences.

Cheating is only a success when you don't get caught, and that's what people try to do. Watching the video of the coke bottle turned into a cheat sheet was pure genius but i dare not to attempt a thing like that ever. Consequences come with cheating and you have to deal with it as a cheater. In school you can get detention, suspended or even expelled. i see cheating as a sense of desperation and rebellious kind of act.

Mary Ward is a great school but no matter what school you are in there is definitely some sort of cheating in the school. Cheating is just everywhere and it may not be fair but its true. As a student of Mary Ward, there are a lot of ways students can be able to cheat. This self-direct learning school can come with a lot of cheating because units can definitely just be copied and pasted and sent handed in by any students.

Anything can be avoided just like cheating. Just study and be a good student. Things like this are easier said than done but it all comes down to yourself. No matter how much time passes by cheating will always be there and if you do get caught there's no one else to blame than yourself.

RE: Barack to the Future

Obama is definitely a force of change for not just the USA but for the whole entire world. He is a man with tons of knowledge and i believe that he actually wants to change the US for the better. Even as a Canadian, i do keep up with the American news and from hearing and seeing him on TV i actually think that he knows what he is doing and has a great plan for Americans.

When it came to voting Obama had a lot of support from fellow Americans and even a lot of celebrities and that's what I believe gave him a huge advantage. People like Will.I.Am, John Legend, etc. Were all in support for him. Some may agree or disagree but some part of me believed that some people voted for him because he was African. I'm not saying its bad to be African but it was a little bias to others.

In my opinion Obama as of now did things to help America but nothing really too much to change it drastically. i have not really heard of much news regarding but I know that he is doing his best to change a lot of things. In the news there are still a lot of protesters against Obama but he did help to start health care for the Americans. He also announced many Iraq and Afghanistan projects that are to be yielded in the upcoming future.

Obama really has that sense of what people nowadays call "swag". He presents himself as a real confident person, and a person that knows what he is doing. He is gifted with many leadership skills and his speeches are surely amazing. He definitely is willing to help the US in all their problems.

RE: So, You Think You Can Be A Journalist?

In today's competitive news market there are hundreds and even thousands of journalist trying to get into the field. It's a fun opportunity but also requires a lot of skills in order for you to the succeed with the job.

I believe that the most important thing to have in order to be a good journalist is passion. Brian Baker himself has always been the person who always wanted to state his opinion and thats where his passion comes from. Passion is key in almost any job, because you need to enjoy doing what you do.

Another thing that is needed to be come a good journalist is being creative. You really need to think outside of the box and stick out between all of the competition. Almost anyone can write but how you write and how the readers view your work is key. You need to have a strong voice of opinion and able to summarize stories effectively.

Knowledge is very important in the journalism field because facts is what people want and ask for. You need good research skills and know a lot about the journalism field of work. Being able to know the background information about this job field is important too because you know how everything works around and what is needed to get the job done. Deadlines are also very important, you need to be organized and able to meet with deadlines.

The journalism field is a very competitive field but it is filled with many talented and hard working people. It takes a lot of skills to work in this field but it is definitely for people who love to write and state their opinion. It is just amazing to see how journalist get to show their work to almost everyone in the world.